Andrew Kenneth Gay is an independent filmmaker and visiting instructor of film at the University of Central Florida, where he has taught Script Analysis for several years, along with such classes as Foundations of Story, Writing for Film & Television, Screenplay Development, and Adaptation. He has also taught screenwriting with the New York Film Academy. He is an accomplished writer/director, having won awards for two of his short films, and is currently completing post-production work on his first feature film, A BEAUTIFUL BELLY. He has an MFA in Film & Digital Media, a BFA in Film Production, and a BA in English Lit and Philosophy/Religion.
Author's posts
Sep 01
Review: Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (Shooting Script: 7/15/68)
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid is William Goldman’s first original screenplay. A Western script written in the late-1960s, its style and format nevertheless has more in common with the continuities of the silent era than with other screenplays available from Goldman’s period. This may not be coincidence.
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Aug 31
Cameron Crowe releases deleted and extended script scenes from ‘SAY ANYTHING…’
Over at his official website, Cameron Crowe helps us prove that screenplays are worth studying by releasing a series of deleted and extended script scenes from the final shooting script of Say Anything…, dated 1/18/88. Among the goodies: the only scene in which Lloyd Dobler utters the title of the movie.
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Aug 28
Review: E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial (Shooting Script: 9/8/81)
This draft of E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial is an excellent starter script for beginners in screenplay studies. In many ways it is the quintessential shooting script, containing lots of revisions, added and omitted scenes, half-filled added pages, and a fair amount of technical comment.
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Aug 20
Notes on UFVA Presentation
I recently traveled to Boston in order to attend the annual University of Film and Video Association conference, where I offered a presentation called “Teaching the Digital Screenplay and Its Role in Conception and Execution.” The presentation was well-received, and I’m in the process of developing it into a formal paper I hope to publish. …
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Aug 20
Revisions Complete … Mostly
I’m happy to report that the reorganization of the site is, for the most part, completed. The site still has some issues, especially navigationally, with several dead links that need to be fixed, but for the most part, users should not find it too difficult to get around. The next big project is updating and …
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Jun 09
Site Undergoing Revisions
Over the next couple of months, we’ll be going through several expansions and revisions. In particular, we are altering the organization of the site. During this time, the site navigation may not make much sense. We apologize for any inconvenience. The new features will be introduced here in depth when they are complete.
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Feb 17
Finding and Choosing Screenplays to Read
I’ve recently updated our resources page and thought now would be a good time to say a bit more about finding and choosing screenplays to read.
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Jan 14
THE KING’S SPEECH by David Seidler also available free at Deadline Hollywood.
Nikki Finke’s Deadline Hollywood is now also offering a free download of David Seidler’s The King’s Speech script. Look for it here.
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Jan 13
Aaron Sorkin’s THE SOCIAL NETWORK available free at Deadline Hollywood
Nikki Finke’s Deadline Hollywood website is offering a free download of Aaron Sorkin’s The Social Network script, along with a Q & A with Sorkin. Look for it here.
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Jan 12
Welcome UCF Script Analysis Students!
This semester, I will be using Screenplayology as the “textbook” for two sections of FIL2107 – Script Analysis at the University of Central Florida, and I want to welcome all of those students now.
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