Not as good as getting an actual mention in the Scriptnotes podcast ( … someday … ), but on his blog this morning, John August linked to examples of early script formats found in our history section. Thanks, John!
Tag: John August
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Jul 27
More on the WGA Annual Report
In my recently published essay in Frames Cinema Journal, “Screenwriting 2.0 in the Classroom? Teaching the Digital Screenplay,” I tried to make a point about the employment challenges facing aspiring screenwriters: Screenwriting instructors have little incentive to change the way they teach because, in spite of the advent, indeed the proliferation of screenwriting software programs …
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Feb 02
John August’s Courier Prime
2 February 2013
This week saw the release John August’s new (free) typeface, Courier Prime: By standardizing around one typeface set at a specific size, we can take advantage of some rules-of-thumb. For example, one page of screenplay (roughly, sometimes) equals one minute of screen time. More importantly, producers can be assured that a 119-page draft really is …
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