Tag: Jill Nelmes
The Liverpool Echo has this interview with screenwriter Frank Cottrell Boyce on his role in the conceptualization of Danny Boyle’s Olympic opening ceremony production. His description of the process and tools used to plan the Olympic ceremony reminds me of Kathryn Millard’s exploration of prototypes and simulations in her contribution to Analysing the Screenplay (ed. …
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Permanent link to this article: https://www.screenplayology.com/2012/07/28/danny-boyles-olympic-opening-the-future-of-screen-writing/
Jul 28
Danny Boyle’s Olympic Opening: the Future of Screen “Writing”?
28 July 2012
The Liverpool Echo has this interview with screenwriter Frank Cottrell Boyce on his role in the conceptualization of Danny Boyle’s Olympic opening ceremony production. His description of the process and tools used to plan the Olympic ceremony reminds me of Kathryn Millard’s exploration of prototypes and simulations in her contribution to Analysing the Screenplay (ed. …
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