Screenplay as Tech Startup
Today I stumbled upon a Wall Street Journal article from two days ago that began with the following sentence: “It seems like everyone is working on a screenplay these days, and if they’re not working on a screenplay, then they’re working on an idea for a tech startup.” I was disappointed to keep reading and discover the lede was a total non sequitur — the article had nothing to do with screenwriting — but I loved that opening line.
The paper I’ll be presenting in Brno this November is all about screenwriting 2.0 as web entrepreneurship. My question is this: can independent screenwriter/directors use “lean startup” principles to help them develop their ideas and bring them to market without the aid of studio support?
Unfortunately, the WSJ article provided no answers to that question, but the lede might make a nice epigraph to my paper, anyway.
Andrew Kenneth Gay is an independent filmmaker and visiting instructor of film at the University of Central Florida, where he has taught Script Analysis for several years, along with such classes as Foundations of Story, Writing for Film & Television, Screenplay Development, and Adaptation. He has also taught screenwriting with the New York Film Academy. He is an accomplished writer/director, having won awards for two of his short films, and is currently completing post-production work on his first feature film, A BEAUTIFUL BELLY. He has an MFA in Film & Digital Media, a BFA in Film Production, and a BA in English Lit and Philosophy/Religion.
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Jul 26
Screenplay as Tech Startup
26 July 2012
Today I stumbled upon a Wall Street Journal article from two days ago that began with the following sentence: “It seems like everyone is working on a screenplay these days, and if they’re not working on a screenplay, then they’re working on an idea for a tech startup.” I was disappointed to keep reading and discover the lede was a total non sequitur — the article had nothing to do with screenwriting — but I loved that opening line.
The paper I’ll be presenting in Brno this November is all about screenwriting 2.0 as web entrepreneurship. My question is this: can independent screenwriter/directors use “lean startup” principles to help them develop their ideas and bring them to market without the aid of studio support?
Unfortunately, the WSJ article provided no answers to that question, but the lede might make a nice epigraph to my paper, anyway.