Category: News

Aaron Sorkin’s THE SOCIAL NETWORK available free at Deadline Hollywood

Nikki Finke’s Deadline Hollywood website is offering a free download of Aaron Sorkin’s The Social Network script, along with a Q & A with Sorkin. Look for it here.

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Welcome UCF Script Analysis Students!

This semester, I will be using Screenplayology as the “textbook” for two sections of FIL2107 – Script Analysis at the University of Central Florida, and I want to welcome all of those students now.

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Why Screenplayology?

Welcome to Screenplayology: An Online Study for American Screenplay Studies. As a graduate student in 2006, I was charged by my chair with the task of re-developing and teaching an existing course in the curriculum called Script Analysis. Wishing to bring a new level of academic rigor and scholarship to the course, I sought scholarly …

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