Welcome UCF Script Analysis Students!

This semester, I will be using Screenplayology as the “textbook” for two sections of FIL2107 – Script Analysis at the University of Central Florida, and I want to welcome all of those students now.

This site is still in its early stages, so student feedback is encouraged and welcome. As you read, I invite you to jot down notes about any challenges you encounter, typos or other problems, as well as any suggestions you have for improvement.

Don’t forget that the site has a length glossary if you want to narrow in on the definition of a particular term you come across, and if you happen upon a term that doesn’t appear in the glossary that you feel should be included, suggest that as well.

More than anything, I hope each student will find this site to be a valuable and informative resource as we survey the history, theory, and practice of screenwriting and script reading, and I look forward to discussing this information with you in class.

Here’s to a productive semester!

Best wishes,

Andrew Kenneth Gay, Instructor

Permanent link to this article: https://www.screenplayology.com/2011/01/12/welcome-ucf-script-analysis-students/

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